Home Trending Video Stories ‘It’s Not Possible To Predict When The Bushfires Will End’

‘It’s Not Possible To Predict When The Bushfires Will End’


With a death toll of over 20 people and damage expected to exceed $4.4 billion according to Moody’s Analytics, Australia’s bushfires have not only been devastating but they are not likely to end anytime soon. Ashwin Ahmad, Opinion Editor of StratNews Global, speaks with Mosiqi Acharya, Senior Producer at SBS Radio in Australia to get a sense of when the bushfires can be contained, if not ended, what will be the political fallout for Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and what lessons can be drawn on from this tragic episode in the future.


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Traveller, bibliophile and wordsmith with a yen for international relations. A journalist and budding author of short fiction, life is a daily struggle to uncover the latest breaking story while attempting to be Hemingway in the self-same time. Focussed especially on Europe and West Asia, discussing Brexit, the Iran crisis and all matters related is a passion that endures to this day. Believes firmly that life without the written word is a life best not lived. That’s me, Ashwin Ahmad.


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